
完全股票期權操作手冊 (for 新手或玩開指數期權)

原帖由 yokito530 於 2009-12-29 17:48 發表
chc hing我報讀左MT SIR既太極期權.  唔知可以應用到股票期權嗎? 之前俾D牛仔, 熊仔, 輪仔食左唔小身家, 希望學多D期權知識唔好再輸咁多囉.
可以的。股票權簡單過指數權。牛熊係大户對冲咗,才賣給大家(所以未能有校對冲)。不過期權波幅大,要小心使用此等大殺傷力武器。大家可学多d並諗多d持性及跟牛能熊, Warrants 不同之處


原帖由 chc499 於 2009-12-30 17:44 發表

可以的。股票權簡單過指數權。牛熊係大户對冲咗,才賣給大家(所以未能有校對冲)。不過期權波幅大,要小心使用此等大殺傷力武器。大家可学多d並諗多d持性及跟牛能熊, Warrants 不同之處 ...
要說清楚些,指數權威カ大,10數張Long 對方向就似揸幾張大期(参考SP system對冲值)



原帖由 MT99 於 2010-2-13 21:25 發表
大家好!恭喜發財!  我也恭祝大家龍精虎猛,財源廣進,萬事勝意,身體健康!chc兄今年賺多D!  MT
Thanks MT,
在此板面我也祝MT 身體健康,精力充沛,腦根靈活,幫助大家睇準個市。
所謂一分耕耘,一分收獲, 小弟希望大家都有智慧,一起開倉,平倉,take profits..............

Looking forwards to joining the party On Sunday 28th Feb.


大家好,小弟睇到港交所有用資科同Links 唔同哂,我會盡把Update 返,今日番緊エ,收工就改....



PS.小弟己Updated 返 有用連結 page 1,希望大家有空望望....
做到幾多, 就靠有冇用功分析市況和策略,祝好運



原帖由 cvc 於 2010-4-15 01:45 發表

I have #2628, SC37 last month, I want to buy this share again, now I have just SP38 MAY, shall I also SP38 APR.  if it goes further down. Many thanks
Thanks CVC Hing,

If you have SC $37 last month, you would have your 2628 stocks called out. For this month, I have no idea whether it is above $38 or below $38 close. Aggresively do both would be fine (if you have the stocks and have money to recieve the stocks).If I really do that trades (foresee the stocks will be around $38 close), I must close both SC,SP before the closing day on 29th April. Let say you SP, SC for around $0.6 and could settle then with around $0.2 (please be noted that it is kind of high risk).


原帖由 cvc 於 2010-4-15 01:45 發表

I have #2628, SC37 last month, I want to buy this share again, now I have just SP38 MAY, shall I also SP38 APR.  if it goes further down. Many thanks
Thanks CVC, Since you want to buy the stocks, you could short put $38 in April( I may do some to follow you too). The concern is do you have enough deposit or what do you do if 2628 really drop a lot from April to May or even up to June..


原帖由 gundam78 於 2010-7-9 12:48 發表
Hi C-Hing,

I am very new and in learning Option. I see the discussion that we should have stock on-hand when doing SC or SP on Stock Option. What happens if my option is called out while I don't have ...
Thanks gundam78,

a lot of new traders may have similar questions like what you mentioned. Usually Short Put means you want to buy that stocks at a lower price (you should have the money in case the SP is in the money) Short Call usually mean you have the stocks and doesn't matter the stocks would be called out. If you have short options and no money to  recieve or no stocks to give away, you must settle the options at or before the closing day at the price quoted (you have to call the agent to close it  and don't let it close by itself after closing day). Usually volatility for stocks options is low, comparing to index options.  The worst case is when you nake short( shorting with no protection) options and the options turned out a big move up or down, you may suffer a big loss since the risk for nake short is unlimited. Frankly said there are more things out of such few lines. You could go to MT's  free tutorial to know more...

[ 本帖最後由 chc499 於 2010-7-12 17:21 編輯 ]


原帖由 gundam78 於 2010-9-5 00:30 發表
Dear C-Hing,

I'd like to know how to input the symbol (whtat is the format) to retrieve the Option data in WinQoute say 2628, HSI, etc.? I input 2628 or HSI; it said invalid option symbol 2628Uo.

Th ...
Sorry for repling late,  Gundam78. To see the data of 2628 you could Push the Opt button and iinput CLIO or H2628O for the pricing. Also somepeople like to see a price strike of a chart or volume trade in a day, that will be pushing the buttons of Int (當天成交) or chart (即曰圖表) and then input CLI3200T0 to see the chart..  (CLI= 2628short form,  3200=Pirce of $32, T=Put in Sept, 0 =yr of 2010)....

For HSI you could input hsi20000T0 (index options put 20000 in sept) to see the similar output..
Hope these things help  ^_^

[ 本帖最後由 chc499 於 2010-9-11 11:45 編輯 ]


原帖由 gundam78 於 2010-9-11 22:17 發表
Dear chc499,

It's very helpful! For about "T" in Sep, I remember MT sir has talked it in the lesson but I forget where I write down the notes. Would you mind to tell me more about the month input (sa ...
Dear Gundam hing, it is not difficult to remember the symbols for the months..
Call from Jan to Dec will always be
Put from Jan to Dec will always be

So to view 2628 a price strike will be as follow:
2628 $30 Call(Sept) yr2010


2628 $31 Put(March) yr2011

[ 本帖最後由 chc499 於 2010-9-12 00:36 編輯 ]

