
AUG 10 期指,期權

原帖由 ourstation 於 12-8-2010 10:27 AM 發表

On SPTrader login page,

1. If the company blocks the port, check the Port 80 on login page
2. If the company blocks the address, change the addresss to IP
3. If the company blocks the contents, us ...
ourstation hing,
It seems that oem hing was right.  The company policy of my client does not allow unnecessary data traffic such as real time data feed, multimedia streams, etc.

Anyway, thanks for your advice.
小心分析, 明白凶險, 謹慎出"激", 嚴止賺蝕, 祝君好運, 秒秒平安!


It seems my current positions are safe now:

08Jul,    Sep SC23000 oi 68x1+67x9 pts (hedge when reached 22200), OQP 27  
29Jul,  "Aug SC19800 oi 1300pt x 1" + "MHI ja 20987 x 4"  (leave it as-is), OQP 1228
03Aug,  Aug LP19600 oi 33pt x 10 (ci only when > 50% profit), OQP 9, possibly total loss , but still have chance to bet for big .

There were not many posts from hftsang, floydhk and trendrider hings.  Guys, Post more la.

Sleep sin.
小心分析, 明白凶險, 謹慎出"激", 嚴止賺蝕, 祝君好運, 秒秒平安!


原帖由 lofu 於 2010-8-19 22:55 發表

ourstation hing,
It seems that oem hing was right.  The company policy of my client does not allow unnecessary data traffic such as real time data feed, multimedia streams, etc.

Anyway, thanks for  ...
Hello Lofu 兄,
The "unnecessary data traffic" is a general term. However from your wording, I understood that your client's company blocks the Ports only and may have the blocking on the content when you are surfing the Internet. To confirm this, you just simply open a browser and surf the Internet. I assume you can do this, then the result is that they open the Port 80.

My 2 brokers are using Port 8080-8088 and Port 13030-13038 on SPtrade and WinQ is using Port 200. Generally, they all blocked in the secured network. (This is the method how to block the unnecessary data traffic like you said)

To bypass the firewall like this, you can use the oem's method because his method is using the browser (Port 80) to connect the Home computer. Another method is VPN, it needs Port 443 to be opened. Most of the firewall will open this port because of the secure Internet surfing like the e-banking system.

The above information may be so technical to you but ...

There is a free VPN if you would like to try. You can read this http://www.susuxiaozhan.com/freevpn/packetix.htm first, download the free VPN and try when you are nothing to do in the Hotel at night.


good morning


Morning everybody, today seems to go downward. Waiting for 0945H open market.


Morning All


morning all


Good morning...
Seems bearish. But very short term sell seems a little overbought, may vibrate up and down first ???
2014年目標順從宇宙力量, 助人為樂


原帖由 TrendRider 於 2010-8-20 09:53 發表
Good morning...
Seems bearish. But very short term sell seems a little overbought, may vibrate up and down first ???
Thanks Trend C-Hing, the market seems not to go down at 20850.


原帖由 TrendRider 於 2010-8-20 09:53 發表
Good morning...
Seems bearish. But very short term sell seems a little overbought, may vibrate up and down first ???
Hi, welcome back.
waiting for vibrate up and down, range shound 20800 21000 then 20720

