
JUL 12 期指,期權

原帖由 oem7110 於 2012-7-17 17:09 發表

Yes, 波浪相位理論 (工聯會) 都有用,請問MT Sir 現時上堂不用MetaStock 或 你冇上堂先?
以我理解, MT Sir 并不是用 metastock 教學, 因某些原因, 大部份高級技術 metastock 都不能支援

有時 MT Sir 會用 metastock 教 波浪相位理論, 因畫圖及加 abc 等字會比較容易同清晰, 如每週走勢評論都用 metastock


原帖由 fatpat 於 2012-7-17 16:52 發表

Sorry I don't use Metastock.

But it has a programming language that you can try to program MT Sir signal into the chart.

Forgive me as a "number cruncher" and not creative/artistic enough,
it woul ...
It was not difficult to program MT Sir's signal in Metastock and show them in the chart for easy chart reading but some cases (like PC,  MX/MQ/PX/PQ, YKL, golden rice bowl, golden bell, RP, GP (big A small D, etc.)  -- those might not be easy to implement


原帖由 ourstation 於 2012-7-17 16:16 發表

I am interested on this also.
How about using the NinjaTrader?
From my understanding, there is no company to support Ninjatrader, tick datafeed and SPTrader for program trade. It is a big business.  ...
Yeah, I think support for Ninjatrader is even worse in HK.

How about trying out the MT technique in Forex/Future?
Ninjatrader 7 has free EOD forex data.
I suppose it is easier and the effect is better then HSI.

P.S. I think you can pair Metastock with SP
P.P.S. I think SP has API to interface, just not open to general public
P.P.P.S. "P" securities - Metastock 軟件期指技術分析及自動落盤系統課程


thank you


原帖由 oem7110 於 2012-7-17 17:06 發表

But does MT Sir provide his MetaStock System Expert to his students for signals? which is protected with password
You don't need to do programming, just use it.
Don't you use it?
Maybe I miss this class. Should check with MT Sir.


原帖由 larryw 於 2012-7-17 17:37 發表

It was not difficult to program MT Sir's signal in Metastock and show them in the chart for easy chart reading but some cases (like PC,  MX/MQ/PX/PQ, YKL, golden rice bowl, golden bell, RP, GP (big  ...
Are they hard to implement
PC / golden rice bowl / golden bell / YKL seem fine,
RP really depends on the indicator inside the software,
MX/MQ/PX/PQ same as other wave theory look hard,
and GP..... (no comment as I'm not good at it)

I'm thinking of better use of the signal first before getting into all these technical details.
Anyway I'm starting to gather infomation about program trade and programming at this stage.

P.S. I'm new in this arena so please forgive me if I look naive and say stupid thing

P.P.S. Metastock is not in my agenda this year.
           Expensive software cost + real time data charges at this moment.
           Probably switching to it later after WQ.


thank you so much




原帖由 fatpat 於 2012-7-17 17:56 發表

Are they hard to implement
PC / golden rice bowl / golden bell / YKL seem fine,
RP really depends on the indicator inside the software,
MX/MQ/PX/PQ same as other wave theory look hard,
an ...
之前問過Metastock 可以食到 Wq real time data
這一版本的Wq $800/month

