
MAR 10 期指,期權

原帖由 lofu 於 2010-3-11 15:05 發表

I heard that P will launch SP Trader also by the end of this year, won't it?

But P charges high comm.  
Really? If this is true, good for P. I was one of those brokers complained most about their FXXX. They (the management) were very very attached to the idea of using "their own" trading platform.

high charges issue? this is a free market --- every thing is negotiable, sister lofu!


原帖由 lofu 於 11-3-2010 12:17 PM 發表

Not exceeding the 21330 day hi resistance
Have to ci and work lu ................

Bull fut x 3 oi 2:36p 21153 ci 3:32p 21217

小心分析, 明白凶險, 謹慎出"激", 嚴止賺蝕, 祝君好運, 秒秒平安!


原帖由 oem7110 於 2010-3-11 15:14 發表

OK I know SP trader providing a lot of services to many financial company for trading platform.  Since P company is the leader for trading platform, do you know how much resource P company invests on trading platform?  As you worked in P company, do you know whether IT service is well support or not?  Since all brokers are self-employed, is P company providing any IT support services to each broker's personal notebook for supporting their business?  If I count on the broker for support, then who support broker for Metastock?
小弟愚昧, 有個疑問...
其實每間公司都會話自己喺行內係Leader, 但點証明呢?_?
再講, 如果自己公司個trading platform畀其他人超越咗, 仲算唔算Leader呢?_?


原帖由 hftsang 於 2010-3-11 14:38 發表

先挑戰21242, 才可再看21310/21330.


原帖由 oem7110 於 2010-3-11 15:14 發表

OK I know SP trader providing a lot of services to many financial company for trading platform.  Since P company is the leader for trading platform, do you know how much resource P company invests o ...
leader of trading platform? are u kidding me?

support? i always have my sympathy on my ex-colleagues in the IT and trading platforms support departments. in my eyes, P company never treats their support staff well enough to a reasonable minimum level. Since I have left P company and still in the industry, I should bad-mouth the company. The IT know-how is just something the management had not yet fully understood.

in fact i learnt a great deal from several of their directors.




converging wedge still pointing up


收市高於21200, 可看高一線; 否則, 看淡!




原帖由 Jinpa 於 2010-3-11 15:48 發表

leader of trading platform? are u kidding me?

support? i always have my sympathy on my ex-colleagues in the IT and trading platforms support departments. in my eyes, P company never treats their support staff well enough to a reasonable minimum level. Since I have left P company and still in the industry, I should bad-mouth the company. The IT know-how is just something the management had not yet fully understood.

in fact i learnt a great deal from several of their directors.
好多時候, 唔少公司嘅管理層都會因為減省開支, 忽略系統支援部門對客戶嘅重要性, Jinpa兄都係睇開少少吧...
起碼, Jinpa兄喺舊公司都學到嘢吖

